Hentikan Lagu Dzikir "Despacito" Yang Membawa Perlakuan Seks .

Lagu Despacito memang makin femes sejak kebelakangan ini. Lagu yang berasal dari Sepanyol ini makin menular di laman sosial apabila ada beberapa parodi lagu ini yang dibuat oleh netizen. Kalau dengar dari muziknya memang rancak dan best.

Kalau dilihat dari liriknya, memang boleh dikatakan 90 peratus lirik dari lagu Despacito adalah dinyanyikan dalam bahasa Sepanyol, namun ianya tetap menjadi favourite satu dunia. Tetapi adakah anda tahu apa yang lirik sebenarnya bermakna dalam bahasa Inggeris?

Bermaksud perlahan

Hentikan zikir ‘despacito’, hormat Ramadan

I want to breathe your neck slowly
Let me tell you things in your ears
So that you remember when you’re not with me
I want to strip you off with kisses slowly
Sign the walls of your labrynth
And make your whole body a manuscript
Turn it up turn it up….. turn it up, turn it up

I wanna see you dance
I wanna be your rhythm
I want you to show me
Your favourite places places places Places
Let me surpass your danger zones
To make you scream
And forget your name

If I ask you for a kiss , come give it to me
I know that you’re thinking about it
I’ve been trying for some time
Mommy this is giving and giving it
You know that your heart with me makes you bom bom
You know that this baby is looking for my bom bom
Come test my mouth to see what it taste like to you
I want to see how much love do you have
I’m not in a hurry, I want to do the trip
Let’s start slowly then wildly

Step by step, soft softly
We are going to get caught little by little
When you kiss me so skillfully
I think that you’re malicious delicately
Step by step, soft softly
We’re going to get caught, little by little
And it’s just that this beauty is a puzzle
But to put it together here I have the pieces

We will do it on the beach in Puerto Rico
Till the waves scream dear lord
So that my seal stays with you

Step by step, soft softly
We’re going to get caught little by little
I want you to show me
Your favourite places places places Places
Step by step, soft softly
We’re going to get caught little by little
To make you scream (Fonsi)
And forget your name (DY)

Menurut terjemahan dari Sepanyol ke Bahasa Inggeris, antara lirik yang menarik perhatian adalah seperti ayat-ayat ini : ‘Perlahan-lahan, saya mahu bernafas di leher anda dengan secara perlahan-lahan,’ Saya mahu berciuman perlahan-lahan, Kami akan melakukannya di pantai di Puerto Rico, biar gelombang ombak pun menjerit..

Melalui bait lirik dalam lagu ini, macam ada berunsur sedikit lucah. Macam jijik sikit la kut. Hehe

Sumber : Filzah Ayuni


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